Why you should be working out

Working out not only makes you healthier it will also make you more attractive, you will look more confident shirtless but also you will fit better in clothes. Now depending on your body type and genetics your body transformation can take from 6 months to 2 years. Most important thing is to stay consistent and remember the days you feel the most like not showing up are the days that matter the most.

If you can go to the gym you will make progress much faster. But don't worry even if you can't afford to go to the gym we will provide a full calesthenics workout you can do from home.

Your workout split depends on how many times a week you can workout. If you can it would be more prefered to go 5/6 times a week but this varies person to person so experiment on how fast your muscles recover or whatever benefits you the most.

Gym workout-splits

Calesthenics workout


Cutting and bulking are two common terms used in the fitness and bodybuilding community to describe different phases of a training and nutrition program. These phases are primarily focused on manipulating calorie intake and macronutrient distribution to achieve specific goals related to body composition.
Bulking refers to a phase where an individual aims to gain muscle mass and overall size. During a bulk, the individual typically consumes a calorie surplus, meaning they consume more calories than they burn. This surplus provides the body with the excess energy needed for muscle growth. In addition to consuming more calories, individuals often prioritize higher carbohydrate and protein intake to support muscle repair and growth. Weightlifting and resistance training are essential during this phase to stimulate muscle growth.
Cutting refers to a phase where an individual aims to reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass. During a cut, the individual typically consumes a calorie deficit, meaning they consume fewer calories than they burn. This deficit creates an energy imbalance, forcing the body to use stored fat as fuel. The macronutrient distribution in a cutting phase often involves higher protein intake to support muscle retention and repair, while carbohydrates and fats may be reduced to reduce calorie intake. Cardiovascular exercise and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are commonly incorporated to enhance calorie burning.

Figure out your maintinance calorie intake with the calorie calculator down below. Track calories with apps like- Myfitnesspal or Yazio
Bulking- eat from 200 to 500 more calories than your maintenance.
Cutting- eat from 200 to 500 calories less than your maintenance.

Foods with high protein

Calorie Calculator

Supplement guide

Do i need supplements?

No you do not need any supplements i am about to list but they all help tremendously with you're body transformation.

  • Protein powder - you can get protein from foods but drinking is easier than eating and to hit your protein goal of 2.2 g per kg bodyweight you are going to nee a lot of protein, taking 30 grams or more from your protein shake sure helps
  • Creatine - this is the most important suppliment that gives you inhanced strength and power, improved exercise performance, increased muscle mass, enhanced recovery, cognitive benefits. Here is a video on how to take creatine- The BEST Way To Use Creatine For Muscle Growth
  • Magnesium - helps you recover faster and hit your next workout without feeling sore
  • Preworkout - is not as helpful as the suppliments above but i thought i should include it in here if you like to try it be careful as overdosing can actually lead to heart failure.

There are a lot more suppliments that you are going to come across that seems to boost testosterone by 100% or whatever but do not buy into marketing schemes, the suppliments listed above are the only ones you are going to need.
Remember to not rush into buying every suppliment or immediately going on a strict diet because it is very easy to get overwhelmed and give up, so take it slow and the first month of working out i suggest you focus to build good mind-muscle connection before starting to train to failure which is more optimal but i suggest the first month let your body adapt.

If you are interested for a specific detailed workout plan and diet plan you can email me at metiseni27@gmail.com

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