Here are the main benefits of good&quality sleep

These are just the tip of the iceberg as to why good quality sleep is needed so we can fuction properly overall for everything.

What could be stopping you from getting good sleep

Heres a full guide to create a good sleep schedule

Get a consistent sleep schedule. Here are some tips to get a consistent sleep schedule. You are going to create a chain of stuff that you will do everynight that remind your body its time to sleep. Here's an example of that: go in bathroom/brush your teeth/floss/do your skincare/light a relaxing scented candle/read/sleep. Now at first when you try this out it wont help but in the first week you can take sleeping pills while doing the routine and through the week reduce the pills until your body adopts at the new time and routine. Make sure to use the same scented candle the scent will remind your body its time to sleep.

Don't take caffein or alcohol or other drugs. Don't take caffein 10 hours before your bedtime, caffein can stay in your bloodstream from 6 up to 10 hours. This will make it harder to fall and stay asleep.

Use temperatures as tools. Taking a nice hot bath/shower will help you relax and fall asleep faster. Cold exposure in the morning helps you wake up and be more alert and less drowsy. Cool temperature: putting your room in a cool temperature can help you fall and stay asleep resulting in deep&quality sleep.

Don't use your phone at least 2 hours before bed. Don't use your phone or watch TV 2 hours before bed as the monitor has bluelight and that directly affect our sleepiness. Light wakes you up. Dark makes you sleepy. Also from all the stuff from social media can make you overthink and make you stress, we don't want that to disturb our sleep.

Do some activity. Even if you do all the steps above you probably won't be able to fall asleep if you didn't do anything all day. You must exhaust your body for it to need sleep, if you can't do heavy activities start with just walking go for 10/20 k steps a day as a start.

Heres a full day of how you can optimize your sleep

  1. Wake up 6/8 am
  2. Drink water
  3. Take 15 min of sunlight
  4. Take a cold shower
  5. Wait 60/90 min before taking caffein
  6. Work out or do some activity
  7. If you need a nap take it between 1 to 2pm, don't let your naps be longer than 30/60 min and dont nap too close to your bedtime
  8. Sun viewing when the sun is at a low solar angle, when the sun is setting
  9. Turn your phone off 2 hours before bedtime and proceed with the routine above

These tips are mostly taken from a great podcast you can go check it out it's also a longer and more detailed explanation on how to optimize sleep by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman.

Sleep Toolkit: Tools for Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing
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